Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Best Day Ever - Continued...

Today I got my prize from a LO competition I won at 4 Scrapin' Divas, my favorite scrapbook site EVER... Isn't this paper gorgeous!!!! And the book is just chalked full of good ideas, I can't wait to read it all!

I need to clean my house, but seriously, LOOK at this stuff... guess it's IS the best day ever. My little guys know what they are talking about!

"Best Day Ever"

This mom doesn’t make a hot breakfast very often. But when I do, oh MY, you should see it around here. There is dancing and singing, parading and chanting, not to mention some serious EATING.

Pancake day today was no exception, the kids were SO excited, and apparently SO hungry, because they each ate at least 5 (even Reecey, no kidding).

My personal favorite thing about pancake day, the abundance of "thank you mommy"s and "I love you mommy"s.

Gareth took the cake when he sat there at the table, peanut buttery syrupy pancake on his fork (and all over his face) and he says "Today is the best day ever mom."

Aren't they easy to please? Already the way to these little men's hearts is pretty clear.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My New Best Friend

Well inorder to fight off some form of the blues I decided that I should start exercising again. So yesterday morning bright and early( before the kids made thier feverent demands for breakfast) I tromped into the garage, dusted the saw dust off the treadmill and once again cleared a space for it to be folded down and plugged back in. I was pretty sure it would be miserable but FlyLady's mantra (you can do anything for 15 minutes) was echoing through my head...

Well here goes nothing.... for good measure I put Garbage in the cd player and plugged in my headphones (don't want to tick off the neighbors at 7 am). Well as the upbeat, yet pissed off music starts echoing through my head, I start to think... "hey I really want to run"... I decided to turn the light off, run my butt off, and just lose my self to the music for a while... Four or Five songs later and I realize it's 8 and I have to stop even though I'd rather run and listen to music blast in my ears like I'm some rebellious teenager.

Today I started earlier, and the magic was there again. I gave myself enough time to run 30 minutes, and at 33 mins 3 seconds it I stopped even though I would have liked to keep going...

Now I don't know if this is the answer to my moody blues right now, I don't know if I'm going to loose weight, or keep it up for a year, or a month, or even a week. What I do know is that for 15, 30, we'll see maybe 45 precious solitary minutes it is exillerating to just think about nothing but the pounding of the music, the pumping of my heart, and the tread of my feet as I run away from real life for a while.

I'm already looking forward to tomorrow...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Just another CUTE face...

This picture was captured when I was trying to catch the little man pointing at the computer screen and playing with daddy... but apparently this little cute face had a plan of his own and only wanted to hang upside down and look cute for the camera.

Oh my little Reece, you are too much! Can I keep you like this forever?

Friday, August 26, 2005


I just finished covering this composition book... I find it so beautiful, and I'm keeping it all to myself :). I'm so excited to use it to store my thoughts, ideas, and layout sketches for all my future creations.
I LOVE beautiful things, I'm just so drawn to them, and that feeling that I get when I make something that strikes me that way - that is priceless... One of the many joys in my life.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Trick or Treat

Here are the boys last halloween all dressed up for our halloween party at MOMS club. Owen was a cute doggie, gareth was a super cool race car driver, a baby reece was a tint little monster :).

I made this kit digitally using Dani Mogstad's new Kit "Autumn Spice" it is SO great! I love the colors and the textures of the papers. You can get it and it's free add on at in the store.

I'm looking forward to taking fall pictures this year that I can use with this kit!


I made this for my sister for her birthday. I REALLY loved being able go so girly with it! Gave it to her last night and she loved it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Liz!

Hope your day is Great!!! We'll see you tonight!!!
Love, Shawna and the Boys

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Brothers, Pals

A layout I did yesterday. I was very nervous putting this together because I think this wild asparagus Paper is beyond gorgeous... I don't know that I quite did it justice, but I did finish it and I love having a page that shows how cute these brothers are.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Graphic Design

Tonight Gareth was watching George program on the computer, and he asked if he could have a turn. So George set him up with a fresh page in Paint, showed him the buttons and let Gareth go to town. When I came into the office later this is the masterpiece I found. Do I have a little graphic design genius or what?

I certainly think so ... I guess that is my perogative ;)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

What the end of an average weekend looks like around here....

Believe it or not, it takes only two days to go from perfect afternoon bliss - to this mania.... but this is the way it gets pretty much every weekend around here. We try to take the weekends to realx, enjoy eachother and just have some time off (mommy too!). So by the end of those two fun filled days we end up paying with a complete train wreck of a house. Sunday nights we always end up take about an hour just to get everything back into decent monday morning shape.

The good news is (never fear!) we are now back to a relatively clean house condition, AND I lucked out! G suprized me and cleaned up while I was scrapbook shopping at Joannes (super sale! SO glad I caught it!!!)... I'm such a lucky lady! I rewarded him ofcourse, with a yummy steak salad (now that I should have taken a picture of, it was Beautiful)....

Blogs are all about the good, the bad, and the ugly right? So it only seems right that I show the other extreme of what this house can become.... It is nice to beable to take the weekends off from household stresses, and start a new "work week" somewhat refreshed... Still some reminants of our footloose fancy free weekend remain to greet me in the morning because little bits of cheesits are scattered accross the house, guess monday will be vaccume day this week. Maybe this time I'll smile while I vaccume, thinking of how lucky I am to be able to just take my weekends and enjoy.

Car Wash

Well it was a rare Saturday afternoon around here, we decided to finally stop putting it off and wash the cars. My Parents Audi was the cleanest of the three, and they were all really begging to be washed (The Van hadn't been washed since April and George's white tercel I don't think had been washed since we bought it three and a half years ago so you can only imagine!).

Well I'm sure you can picture it, Reece is in his exersauser and we have to keep reminding Owen to wash the car, not the baby (poor Reece at one point had suds all over his head)... Then it was us reminding Owen and Gareth to use the water to wash the CARS not to splash eachother.... Plus Gareth kept stealing the hose for various quesionable task.... Really it was pretty exhausting.

So finally when we were all done and the three cars were shining (well... the tercel wasn't exactly shining...) we just gave up and gave Gareth the hose to "water the yard." Ofcourse, instead of the yard he decided to water dad... He kept spraying him and yelling "Do you want a Piece of Me?" Well before you knew it it was an all out water fight, in the end we were ALL running, we were all laughing, and we were all SOAKED.

I think it's probably a good thing we only wash the cars once in a blue moon around here, because it don't know if I could handle that much fun every day!

Friday, August 19, 2005


Thought everyone might like to see Reecey licking a brownie-batter-spatula on his First birthday. You can't beat that huge grin!

Three Little Men

Here is a current picture of my Three Little guys, these were taken Monday right before Reece's birthday party....

As you can see, it is pretty much impossible to get a picture of them all sitting and looking at the camera at the same time...

I have to admit though, even with all thier craziness, they're still pretty lovable...

just gotta love these three little men!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


"Dani ~ Your AAM book would not be complete without a page dedicated to what a generous person you are. In the half a year I've known you, you've overwhelmed me again and again with your generous spirit - But Dani, this last act of kindness takes the cake! You should know that you made my YEAR with your incredible gift of ALL those scrapbooking goodies. I'm pretty much going to remember it forever. & every time I make a page it will make me smile. I can only hope someday I will have the chance to bless some one a as big of a way as you have blessed me. Thank you Dani!"

What a Perfect Afternoon looks like around here...

Really, need I say more???

One Small Step...

Well I'm sure any seasoned scrapper would see this as one teeny tiny little thing, but this is my first semi-publish. The Basic Grey website is posting TWO of my creations in their gallery!!!

I am very proud, I've been starting to actually have scrap-acheivements.

I know I have SO much to learn and so many ways to grow, but I am really excited to think that maybe I could submit to a magazine and be published. Or that when I want to try my hand at a contest I actually could hold my own.

Anyways, my one small step mini brag there. I know it isn't HUGE. But I'm proud of me. Plus now the world can see my sweet little gareth in black and white - he is such a cutie!

Time to Begin

Well here is the begining of Shawna as a blogger.... I'm hoping to have this as a place to share my favorite pictures, my newest Layouts, and some of the more fun stories about my life as a mom of three little men. Hope you enjoy!