Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat

Well this is the first year we've taken the boys OUT trick or treating. Our Nieghborhood was great for it, and Gareth was so excited he was ready to go when he got home from school!

Here are some classic "Trick or Treat" shots:

Our First House:
At this house gareth said "Oh look, we can't go here, there's 'construction' tape" :)

My little fisherman out gettin' himself some candy:

Daddy and Reece, who just tugged on his elephant ear the whole time (although when we took it off he wanted it on again so he could tug some more):

Gareth, oh, I mean Bob the Builder, who was impossible to get a picture of outside, he was too busy dragging us along from house to house... I could only get pictures of his back!

Here are me and my boys (all three this time!) snuggly and warm and with enough candy to last us a lifetime!


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