Monday, October 17, 2005

"Monday House"

Have you heard that phrase? A lot of times the weekend can be messy business, with everyone home, and running around, and with mommy not wanting to be cleaning all the time. I've heard the term "Monday House" to describe what it looks like Monday morning when you have to clean up after the chaos.

Well here at my house I always have a "Monday House," but my Monday house is different than what you think.... My house shines Monday mornings. Now, this is NOT because our weekends aren't chaotic, and it DEFINITELY isn't because I'm playing maid all weekend. No, I have a different Monday house because every Sunday night my sweet husband takes an hour to help me get the weekend cleaned up. This is actually something he started quite some time ago because he wants to help me "start the week out right."

George is such a great husband, he is such a wonderful dad. He is a true partner in parenting with me, and I appreciate it more than I can say. I swear, I'm so lucky to have this guy! I honestly think he is like God's gift to the universe or something.... But I know one thing for sure... He is Gods gift to me. I'm very grateful.

Okay, cheeseball post I know! But just wanted to take this little webspace to say, I LOVE THIS GUY!


Blogger Casey said...

You are a lucky, lucky girl! It's a great thing to be loved as much as George clearly loves you. :)

1:42 PM  
Blogger change said...

he's great to work next to too :-)

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are truly blessed. I'm so glad I got the chance to watch your relationship grow.. you were cute five years ago and you are ever cuter now :)

6:45 AM  

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